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rfc: Add Trust Store draft
Signed-off-by: Paulo Gomes <paulo.gomes@weave.works>pull/3366/head
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
# RFC-NNNN Trust Store for TLS and SSH
**Status:** provisional
**Creation date:** 2022-12-02
**Last update:** 2022-12-02
## Summary
Consolidates and formalizes the supported ways to establish trusted connections
with remote servers via Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Shell (SSH).
Resulting on new ways to configure trust, and allowing administrators the
capability to disable some of the existing options.
## Motivation
The current model could be improved by allowing for controller-level trust
configurations, so that multiple objects connecting to the same server don't
need to specify overrides. The approach aligns with both TLS and SSH canonical
OS level implementations, in which they rely on a global trust store to define
machine level trust, but users and applications can further expand on trusted
servers (or CAs), when not blocked by administrators.
Known Hosts (used by SSH connections), and CA Bundles (for TLS), are not
particularly sensitive information - when leaving aside privacy considerations.
Before this RFC, the officially supported approach leans on secrets to pass this
information to the controllers. The same secret is also use to provide user
credentials, which is more sensitive in nature, making this sub-optimal from a
security stand-point.
### Goals
- Consolidate the officially supported trust settings across the Flux ecosystem.
- Formalize support for configuring trust at controller-level.
- Add toggle to block object-level trust overrides.
- Enable users to surface trust information securely.
### Non-Goals
- Maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of Flux.
## Proposal
For configuring system-wide trust, Flux would rely on the well-established OS-level
trust store. When dynamically mounting of the trust store is required, it will be
enabled by using Kubernetes `Secret` and `ConfigMap` mounting. When immutable trust
store is required, users can build their own version of the controllers, with their
baked-in settings.
TLS and SSH use different techniques to establish the identity of remote servers,
each relying on its own trust store.
The sections below will dive into the specifics of each one, highlighting their
details, changes required and example of the proposed usage.
A new way to configure object-level Trust Store overrides is also being proposed,
in combination with a controller level toggle to disable it.
### SSH
In SSH, the remote server identity is based on [Trust on first use]. At first
connection to a new server, the user confirms whether or not to trust that server
based on the server's Public key fingerprint.
In the context of Flux, which provides no user interaction, if the remote server
finger print is not configured within the provided set of Known Hosts, the
connection is aborted.
#### Controller-level Known Hosts
For setting controller level Known Hosts, we propose the use of the existing
Linux file in disk: [/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts].
Users would be able to configure the OS level trust store by mounting either
a `ConfigMap` or `Secret` directly into the Flux Controllers.
`ConfigMap` example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: flux-trust-store
namespace: flux-system
known_hosts: |
github.com ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEmKSENjQEezOmxkZMy7opKgwFB9nkt5YRrYMjNuG5N87uRgg6CLrbo5wAdT/y6v0mKV0U2w0WZ2YB/++Tpockg=
Patch required on the main `kustomization.yaml`:
- patch: |
- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts
- name: ssh-trust-store
mountPath: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
subPath: known_hosts
readOnly: true
- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/volumes
- name: ssh-trust-store
name: flux-trust-store
kind: Deployment
name: "(kustomize|image-automation|source|image-reflector|helm|notification)-controller"
#### Object-level Known Hosts Expansion
A new field is to be introduced into the existing kinds `ImageUpdateAutomation` and
`GitRepository`, to allow users to expand on the controller-level known hosts for
SSH operations:
The trust store can be expanded by either setting `spec.trustStore.ssh.secretRef` or
`spec.trustStore.ssh.configMapRef`, not both. Either option should contain the data
under a `known_hosts` key.
Known hosts configured this way will be aggregated with the ones defined at both
system and controller levels.
#### TLS
In TLS, the remote server identity is based on [public key infrastructure] and the
trust is based on the confirmation that the remote server's certificate was issued
by a "trusted" Certificate Authority (CA).
The OS level trust store contains the root trusted CAs, and any other certificate
that should be trusted by the machine. Note that CAs can verify other CAs, providing
an hierarchical chain of trust. Certificates that are not part of the chain, which
could be your own self-signed certificates, are considered untrustworthy by default.
TLS communications against untrusted remote servers are aborted.
#### Controller-level Trusted Certificates
*NOTE:* this requires no changes on the controllers, as this is based on the ways
that TLS surface the trust store. This RFC only formalizes it as a supported
To trust CAs that are not part of the root trusted CAs, the OS level trust store
needs to be updated by mounting either a `ConfigMap` or `Secret` directly into the
Flux Controllers.
`Secret` example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: flux-trust-store
namespace: flux-system
Patch required on the main `kustomization.yaml`:
- patch: |
- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts
- name: tls-trust-store
mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-cert-flux.pem
subPath: customCA.pem
readOnly: true
- op: add
path: /spec/template/spec/volumes
- name: tls-trust-store
secretName: flux-trust-store
kind: Deployment
name: "(kustomize|image-automation|source|image-reflector|helm|notification)-controller"
#### Object-level Trusted Certificates Expansion
A new field is to be introduced into the existing kinds `Bucket`, `GitRepository`,
`HelmRepository`, `OCIRepository`, `ImageUpdateAutomation`, `Provider` and
`ImageRepository`, to allow users to expand on the controller-level known hosts for
SSH operations:
The trust store can be expanded by either setting `spec.trustStore.tls.secretRef`
or `spec.trustStore.tls.configMapRef`, not both. Either option should contain the
data under a `caFile` key.
CA bundles configured this way will be aggregated with the ones defined at both
system and controller levels.
### Enabling Object-Level Trust Store
Object-level trust store expansion is disabled by default. To enable it start
the controller with:
The flag defaults to `disabled`:
### User Stories
#### Story 1
> As a tenant, I want to be able to expand trust settings so that I can
> connect to my own servers without needing to ask an administrator.
#### Story 2
> As a Platform admin, I want to configure all trusted servers at the controller
> level and block any specific team from overriding those settings.
#### Story 3
> As a Security Auditor, I want to be able to review all Known Hosts and CA Bundles
> being used within a Flux instance, without requiring RBAC access to more sensitive
> information.
### Alternatives
#### Consume controller-level settings via two new flags
Two new flags would be added into the controllers (`--tls-ca-bundles-secret` and
`--ssh-known-hosts-secret`) allowing for secrets to be consumed at startup time.
This would establish a "flux-specific" approach, which would not be aligned with
existing tools and applications that may need to coexist in the same container,
meaning that a Flux controller may trust a server, whilst other applications within
the container would not - or vice-versa.
#### Remove object-level trust store settings
Instead of creating a toggle to disable object-level trust settings, the entire
feature could have been deprecated. We have decided that by keeping the feature
in would allow for an easier transition.
#### Skip the implementation of the object-level blocker
Instead of creating a built-in feature to block the use of object-level Trust
Store expansion, we could rely on other tools and mechanisms within the Kubernetes
ecosystem (e.g. OPA) to enable users to achieve the same outcome.
Due to the importance that Flux has in the bootstrapping of clusters, such an
important requirement (enforce trust at controller level) should be inherit to
the controllers, instead of delegated to third party components.
## Design Details
### Refreshing Trust Store Values
*NOTE:* Section still WIP.
Values are automatically refreshed from Secrets and ConfigMaps into disk.
SSH would need to read the file again for each operation.
TLS would be automatically refreshed via Transport level system roots.
### SSH and TLS references
*NOTE:* Section still WIP.
Analogous to Kubernetes' `EnvFromSource`, in which it can source either a `ConfigMap` or a `Secret`.
## Implementation History
Major milestones in the lifecycle of the RFC such as:
- The first Flux release where an initial version of the RFC was available.
- The version of Flux where the RFC graduated to general availability.
- The version of Flux where the RFC was retired or superseded.
[/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts]: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSSH/Client_Configuration_Files#/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
[public key infrastructure]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_key_infrastructure
[Trust on first use]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trust_on_first_use
Reference in New Issue